Benito Mussolini
Exploring Hitler's Mountain
Once Upon a Time: Sergio Leone
A Special Day
To Arms, We Are Fascists!
#UNFIT: The Psychology of Donald Trump
Inside Nazi Germany
Human Remains
Getúlio Vargas
Jasenovac: The Cruelest Death Camp of All Times
Oops, Those Hollywood Bloopers!
Mussolini in Deutschland
Word and Deed
Hitler: A Career
Marx Can Wait
Words for an End of the World
A noi! Dalla sagra di Napoli al trionfo di Roma
The March on Rome
The Girls
Frosset hjerte
The Roaring Twenties
The World at War
United We Stand
The Fight For Peace
Margherita, The Woman Who Invented Mussolini
Cinecittà, de Mussolini à la Dolce Vita
A Nation Denied: Ukraine's Battle for History
Know Your Ally: Britain
The Battle of France
Hitler & Stalin: Portrait of Hostility
A Wall in Jerusalem
Oh! Man
The Mistake that Killed Hitler
Monsieur Verdoux
Vedete, sono uno di voi
Ilusión Nacional
Pétain, such a popular hero
Faces of Death VIII
Me ne frego!
The Athlete
Story of the Unknown Soldier
The Aegean Tragedy
The Camps of Death
Ways to Strength and Beauty
Fascism in Colour
The Tramp and the Dictator
Halfway to Hell
The Gates of Italy
The Corporate Coup D'État
The Hitler–Stalin Pact
December 7th
The Eagle and the Lion: Hitler vs Churchill
The Russian German War
Will It Happen Again?
The Voice That Thrilled the World
Benito Mussolini: Anatomy of a Dictator
The Phoney War
The Corporation
Herrliche Zeiten
Mea Maxima Culpa: Silence in the House of God
All Against All
The Most Dangerous Man in Europe: Otto Skorzeny's After War
Hitler und Mussolini - Eine brutale Freundschaft
Cinecittà Babilonia: Sex, Drugs and Black Shirts
Rita the Field Marshal
I Could Never Be Your Woman
Il corpo del Duce
Franco on Trial: The Spanish Nuremberg?
I 600 giorni di Salò
JFK to 9/11: Everything is a Rich Man's Trick
A Real Nave Itália no Rio Grande do Sul
Goering's Catalogue: A Collection of Art and Blood
Death Scenes 2
Stolen Kisses: Homosexual Love in Fascist Italy
The United States in the 20th Century 1932-1940
Apocalypse: Hitler Takes on The West (1940)
Apocalypse: The Second World War
World War II in Colour
Crusade in Europe
More Than a Game
Days That Shook the World
Apocalypse: The Rise of Hitler
Greatest Events of World War II in Colour
Le Siècle des icônes
Mussolini: The First Fascist
Courage and Mercy