Inge Appelt
Pero the Lump's Gang
Marshal Tito's Spirit
The Scene of the Crash
Celestial Body
Don't Lean Out the Window
The Life and Times of August Šenoa
Crime Chronicle or Woman's Day
Under Clear Sky
The Golden Years
The Three Men of Melita Zganjer
The Man Under the Table
Tomo Bakran
The Pine Tree in the Mountain
Flower Square
The Voyage Across the Dark Half
Fine Dead Girls
No One's Son
My Dear Angel
It Will Not End
Zagreb Stories
Acting and Reality
The Ambassador
Transylvania 6-5000
Love and Sometimes a Curse
Zagreb Stories 2
Russian Meat
Ante Returns Home
The Doctor of Craziness
A Mess in the House
Whatever You Can Spare
Fashion Tension
The Priest's Children
Sleep Sweet, My Darling
Fishing and Fishermen's Conversations
Slow Motion
New Year's Eve Robbery
Stylish in the Guests
The Foreigner
The Man Himself