Linda Sini
Il Sorpasso
Massacre Time
Roaring Years
Sherlock Holmes and the Deadly Necklace
The Conjugal Bed
Don't Torture a Duckling
Sartana's Here... Trade Your Pistol for a Coffin
Noi duri
War of the Planets
Twice a Judas
002 Operation Moon
Shoot, Gringo... Shoot!
They Call Me Hallelujah
Cronaca di un delitto
La prigioniera di Amalfi
Gli onorevoli
Our Man in Jamaica
Mars, God of War
The Four Monks
Giacomo Casanova: Childhood and Adolescence
Gangsters '70
Riderà! - Cuore matto
You'll See Me Returning
Poppea: A Prostitute in Service of the Emperor
Diary of a Roman Virgin
The Sexbury Tales
Fra' Tazio da Velletri
The Schoolmate
Two Public Enemies
Salvate mia figlia
The Commandant
Day of Violence
The Lovemakers
A Second Spring
Principe coronato cercasi per ricca ereditiera
Toto, Peppino, and the Hussy
I cuori infranti
The Last Decameron: Adultery in 7 Easy Lessons
Ivanhoe, the Norman Swordsman
Totò Sexy
Il treno del sabato
Easy Love
Il Conte Aquila
Sigillo rosso
The 1,000 Eyes of Dr. Mabuse
It Happened Between Bars
Seven Blood-Stained Orchids
Heat in the Suburbs
Spia spione
Il principe fusto
I piaceri del sabato notte
Stranger on the Prowl
The Two Parachutists
The Man Who Laughs
Trapped by Fear
The Big Deal
Love and Larceny
Le inibizioni del dottor Gaudenzi, vedovo col complesso della buonanima
Paolo il freddo
Beauties on Motor Scooters
My Pal, Dr. Jekyll