Giacomo Rizzo
4 Crazy Draftees at the Army
Bawdy Tales
Welcome to the South
The Family Friend
Even If I Wanted to Work, What Do I Do?
Lui è mio padre
Littlefoot the Policeman
Do it for Dad
Super Stooges vs the Wonder Women
Dracula Blows His Cool
The Decameron
Massimamente folle
In fila per due
Love, Passion and Pleasure
When You Die... You Die!
Pierino the Pest to the Rescue
Sodoma - The Dark Side of Gomorrah
The Sexbury Tales
Welcome to the North
The Union
We Accept Miracles
A Policewoman in New York
How Colonel Buttiglione Became a General
School Days
The Schoolgirl
Package, Double Package and Counterpackage
The Black Hand
A Policewoman on the Porno Squad
The Forbidden Decameron
The Devil and Holy Water
Ski Mistress
The Knock Out Cop
The Virgo, the Taurus and the Capricorn
Taxi Girl
Perché non facciamo l'amore
Sex Diary
Era giovane e aveva gli occhi chiari
Le notti peccaminose di Pietro l'Aretino
The Treasure of San Gennaro
Languidi baci... perfide carezze
Little Funny Guy
Oh, Grandmother's Dead
Deadly Chase
Passpartu’ - Operazione Doppiozero
Alessandra - Un grande amore e niente più
Le mille e una notte all'italiana
La Reliquia
The Promised Life
Vincenzo Malinconico, avvocato d'insuccesso