Yvon Sarray
OSS 117 tue le taon
Square of Knaves
The Strollers
Le chien qui a vu Dieu
Under the Sign of the Bull
Don't Take God's Children for Wild Geese
Ladies First
La Fin de la nuit
La Mandarine
La peau de l'ours
It's Tough for Everybody
Napoléon II, the Eagle
Skin and Bones
Le roi du village
Le dernier quart d'heure
On Murder Considered as One of the Fine Arts
Les hommes
Requiem pour un caïd
La nuit bulgare
Mimsy Were the Borogoves
A Little Virtuous
La tuile à loups
The Crazy Capo Affair
The Road to Shame
Male Hunt
The Madman of Lab Four
The Baron of the Locks
Maigret and the St. Fiacre Case
Jeff Gordon, Secret Agent
Action Man
The Valley Without Spring
The Pink Telephone
Le neveu d'Amérique
Le Tourbillon des jours
The Accursed Kings
Le Manège de Port-Barcarès