Henri Guisol
The Count of Monte Cristo
Lola Montès
La situation est grave... mais pas désespérée
L'assassin a peur la nuit
Three Waltzes
A Foolish Maiden
The World Will Shake
Promise to the Unknown One
Christine se marie
Box of Dreams
Dorothy Looks for Love
Once Is Enough
Le Secret du Florida
3rd chimney on the right
Third at Heart
Lady Paname
Bed for Two
Thus Finishes the Night
Bizarre, Bizarre
The Midnight Witness
Thunder Over Paris
The Messenger
The Novel of Werther
Blind Venus
The Twilight Girls
Paris Is Always Paris
The Roundup is for Tonight
A Woman in the Night
Gambling Hell
Métier de fous
La Chienne
The Terrible Lovers
Portrait of a Woman
Two Shy Ones
The Green Domino
Confessions of a Newlywed
The Queer Assignment
Le Fil à la patte
Theodora, Slave Empress
The Ladies in the Green Hats
Les assassins associés
Law of the North
Six Little Girls in White
The Crime of Monsieur Lange
Tobie Is an Angel
Dream Ballerina
Retour de flamme
Une femme coupée en morceaux
Murder at 45 R.P.M.
Madame et le Mort
Double Crime in the Maginot Line
Minuit treize
Fruits of Summer
Le clochard milliardaire
Adieu mes quinze ans
Joseph Balsamo
Le Temps de vivre... Le Temps d'aimer
Maurin des Maures