Philippe Hersent
Attack of the Normans
Silver Saddle
La treizième enquête de Grey
The White Angel
The Giant of Marathon
Joli monde
Le Secret de l'émeraude
The Tomboy
The Great Temptation
Une de la cavalerie
Un meurtre a été commis
Fort Dolorès
La Troisième Dalle
The Fugitive
Le dolmen tragique
Nous avons tous fait la même chose
La Danseuse de Marrakech
L'Homme aux mains d'argile
Le clochard milliardaire
From the Orient with Fury
Giants of Rome
Ritrovarsi all'alba
79 A.D.
The Huns
Poison Ivy
The Delinquents
The House of Intrigue
Marie of the Isles
The Murder Clinic
The Rival
Scipio the African
The Sword and the Cross
Mission Bloody Mary
Beauty and the Beast
The Violent Patriot
Messalina Against the Son of Hercules
Tulips of Haarlem
The Beasts
Children of Love
Hero of Rome
End of the World
La trovatella di Pompei
Goliath and the Dragon
My Crimes After Mein Kampf
Hell in Normandy
The Old Testament
They Paid with Bullets: Chicago 1929
The Beast
Les Bleus de la marine
Thunder of Battle
A Second Spring
La colonna infame
The Great Kidnapping
Special Mission Lady Chaplin
So Sweet, So Dead
The Innocent
C'è una spia nel mio letto
Cifrato speciale
The Mighty Crusaders
Passion de femmes
Operation Thunder
La dernière chevauchée
Cry of Death
Guns of the Black Witch
Alert Nights
Conversation Piece
A Matter of Time