Imre Sinkovits
The Grief of King Soemvolt
The Sword
The Toth Family
Four Children in the Flood
Stars of Eger
A tönk meg a széle
Róza néni elintézi
The Conquest
The Corporal and the Others
Two Half-Times in Hell
Másfél millió
Love Travelling a Coach
Dreams of Love
Hi, Junior!
Suburban Legend
Don't Keep Off the Grass
Test Trip
The Bitter Truth
The Master Criminal
Gasoline Damage
A Remarkable Case
New Gilgames
A Fragrant Way to Pass Away
The Widow and the Police Officer
The Heir
A Journey Around My Skull
Leila and Gábor
The Doctor's Death
Charlie nénje
A Strictly Private Affair
The New Landlord
Three Nights of Love
Age of Illusions
Return ticket
The Football Star
Haber's Photo Shop
There Was Once a Family
On Home Grounds
Who is in the Egg?
Young at Heart
From Blossom Time to Autumn Frost
Tales of a Long Journey
Face to Face
Changing Clouds
The Silent File
Bon Voyage, Bus!
A Strange Mark of Identity
Until the Day is Breaking
The Accent
Autumn Star
Sunset at Noon
Alba Regia
The Storm
The Day of Wrath
The Sea has Risen
And Then The Guy...
Kaviár és lencse
Freytág testvérek
Pokol - Inferno
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