Mariya Vinogradova
Mariya Vinogradova was a Russian theater and film actress, honored artist of the RSFSR (1987).
About the Little Red Riding Hood
One, Two, Altogether!
Пошехонская старина
I Promise!
You are My Delight, My Torment
Импровизация на тему биографии
Sun in Your Pocket
Anna Karamazoff
Лето на память
Loan for a Marriage
Restricted Area
Наш американский Боря
Hedgehog in the Fog
Песенка в лесу
The Wizard of Oz
The Hares Scared the Little Bunny
Valuable Parcel
Про паучка, с которым никто не дружил
In a Dim Kingdom, in a Gray State
Good Forest
Why is the Hare Hiding
Lonely Bus in the Rain
Seven Brothers
Strange Beast
Air Pirates
Sunny Bunny
Лесные сказки
Morning Song
The Hare, the Squeak and the Violin
The Hare Got a Tape Recorder
Magic Bag
The Monkey and the Turtle
Beetle - Crooked Hill
Bim, Bam, Bom And The Wolf
Толик и Тобик
The Red Snowball Tree
Он попался!
Попался, который кусался!
Citizens of the Universe
Дружба врозь
The Boys
The Wife Has Left
The Ascent
Stalin's testament
Iz zhizni otdykhayushchikh
The Legend About the Old Lighthouse
Miraculous Well
The Humpbacked Horse
Three from Prostokvashino
Vacations in Prostokvashino
Winter in Prostokvashino
Night Fun
Ну, погоди! Выпуск 13
The Humble Cemetery
The Little Witch
The Amazing Boy
Khagi – Tragger
Dancing Ghosts
The Inner Circle
Птичка Тари
Laughter and Grief by the White Sea
Grandpa Is Good, But... Won't Say Where He's Hidden the Money
Ladies Invite Gentlemen
Promised Heaven
Avariya - Cop's Daughter
The Master and Margarita
Office Romance
Fuss of the Fusses
Walking the Streets of Moscow
The Post
The Last Petal
Prince Udacha Andreyevich
The Invisible Man
The Trial
The Canterville Ghost
Pioneer Mary Pickford
Blue Tit's Calendar
Проделкин в школе
Время свиданий
In a Country of Undone Homework
Police Academy: Mission to Moscow
Grandfather I-Po's Tale
Earthly Joys
The Magic Ring
The Useless Girl
Magic Shovel
Dead Souls
How the Old Man Went for the Rain
Golden Stalks
Homeless Kongurja
Little Fire
How Are You, Brother Fox?
The Legend of the Moor's Inheritance
Our Friend Read'n'Write 2
Our Friend Read'n'Write 3
Toy Mystery
An Arrow Flies Into a Fairy Tale
Two Tickets to India
The Puppy and the Old Slipper
Two Bogatyrs
Train From Romashkovo
Не было печали
The Films of Yuri Norstein
We from the Urals
Adventures of Mowgli: Raksha
Adventures of Mowgli: The Kidnapping
In the Heart of the Forest
Be Well, Green Forest!
The Magic Watermelon
Dear Edison!
Barankin, Be a Human!
A Kitten Named Woof (Episode 2)
A Kitten Named Woof (Episode 3)
A Kitten Named Woof (Episode 4)
A Kitten Named Woof (Episode 5)
A Kitten Named Woof (Episode 1)
Polar Fox Napoleon III
Be Careful, Vasilyok!
The Adventures of Mowgli
An Elephant and a Rope
An Amazing Find, Or the Most Ordinary Miracles
The Rooks
I Want Him to Come
The Last Stage
Life and Extraordinary Adventures of Private Ivan Chonkin
Night Crew
Father Frost and the Grey Wolf
Call Me from Afar
In the Town of S.
Here is your front
A Gun with silencer
Two Arrows. Stone Age Detective
How to Become a Grown-Up
Devil With a Briefcase
One Time Deal
Rodnye polya
Ваши права?
Carmen Horrendum
Three Fat Men
Two and One
The Little Raccoon
Elephant Went to Study
The Piggy Bank
The Brave Tin Soldier
The Tale of the Golden Rooster
The Tale of Tsar Saltan
Просто так
Whose Are the Cones in the Wood?
Пропал Петя-петушок
Father Frost and the Summer
Four from the Same Yard
Our Friend Read'n'Write
Maria, Mirabella
Sure Remedy
Black Chicken
Mysterious Planet
На край света...
Housekeeper and Lacemaker
The Parasite
And Mama Will Forgive Me
These are miracles
Fourth Height
The City of First Love
The Mire
The Last Sacrifice
The Volunteers
The Hat
I Am A Native of Vyatka
Russian Ragtime
Yabloko razdora
The Snow Postman
The Garage
Commentary on the Petition for Clemency
Дорога домой
White Square
A Mirror of Time
Куда летишь, Витар?
Who is Stronger?
Sea Voyage of Solnyshkin
Наследство волшебника Бахрама
Маленькие недоразумения
The Secret of the Cricket from Behind the Stove
The Cruel Stepmother
Magic Cure
There Was A Tram The Tenth Number
Teddy Bear Buthuz
Как козлик землю держал
Котёнок по имени Гав
Adventures of Mowgli