Alberto Lupo
Atom Age Vampire
The Swordsman of Siena
The Agony and the Ecstasy
The Giant of Marathon
Biblioteca di Studio Uno: I tre moschettieri
The Minotaur, the Wild Beast of Crete
Herod the Great
Wolves in the Abyss
The Bacchantes
Son of Cleopatra
008: Operation Exterminate
Ursus in the Valley of the Lions
Django Shoots First
Blood Feud
The Revenge of the Crusader
The Last Violence
Un alibi per morire
Zorro in the Court of Spain
Passport for a Corpse
Gli italiani e le donne
Torpedo Bay
I Love You
Thunder of Battle
Destination Rome
Rocco e le sorelle
Spiaggia libera
Night of Violence
The Nun of Monza
The Shortest Day
Un certo Harry Brent
Come un uragano
Onda Libera
La Cittadella